理工学研究科のGHORANI Zohaさん、GHORANI Alirezaさん、鬼澤 海さんが第14回茨城学生国際会議で受賞しました
工学部機械工学科の伊藤吾朗 教授・小林純也 助教の研究室に所属している大学院理工学研究科博士後期課程2年次生のGHORANI Zohaさん、同研究科博士後期課程1年次生のGHORANI Alirezaさん、同研究科博士前期課程2年次生の鬼澤 海さんが2018年12月2日に茨城大学水戸キャンパスで開催された第14回茨城学生国際会議にて、それぞれTHIRD ORAL AWARD、SECOND POSTER AWARD、THIRD POSTER AWARDを受賞しました。
学会名 : 第14回茨城学生国際会議
Presentation title: Visualization of Hydrogen Behavior in a Duplex Stainless Steel by Hydrogen Microprint Technique Affected by Different Strain Rates
Title of the award: THIRD ORAL AWARD
Comments: It is indeed a great honour that I have been nominated as a conference winner for two consecutive years in ISCI. Last year I achieved the third place in poster section and this year I was lucky to win the third oral award. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my supervisor, Professor Goroh Itoh. I am extremely grateful to have him as my teacher throughout these years. He has always been my greatest encouragement and motivation during my studies here.
Alireza GHORANIさん
Presentation title: Resistance to Humid Gas Stress Corrosion Cracking of MIG Weld of a 5083 Aluminum Alloy
Title of the award: SECOND POSTER AWARD
Presentation title: Effect of Impurity Hydrogen on Fatigue Properties in an Al-10%Zn-2.5%Mg-1.6%Cu-0.2%Cr Alloy
Title of the award: THIRD POSTER AWARD
Comments: I am greatly honored to receive the THIRD POSTER AWARD of ISCI. I could not achieve this award without the professors and members of Ito Laboratory who supported me. I am especially appreciated for guidance from professor Goroh Itoh. I'll keep on trying. Thank you very much.