Position | Name | One-page summary | Research field | Link |
Professor |
IGA Fumitoshi |
Functional material design, crystal growth, and those physical-properties research which is mainly concerned with magnetism |
Lab |
Professor |
IWASA Kazuaki |
neutron scattering, X-ray scattering, strongly correlated electron system, structural transition |
Lab |
Professor |
OKU Takayuki |
Quantum beam science, Quantum beam science |
Professor |
KUWAHARA Keitaro |
Condensed matter physics, neutron scattering experiments, magnetism in strongly correlated electron systems |
Professor |
Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Gravity and Superstring Theory |
Professor |
Theoretical Astrophysics |
Professor |
Statistical physics and thermodynamics in nonlinear nonequilibrium, theoretical biophysics |
Professor |
HYAKUTAKE Yoshifumi |
Elementary Particle Physics, Superstring Theory |
Lab |
Professor |
FUKUI Takahiro |
Condensed matter physics |
Professor |
MOMOSE Munetake |
Radio astronomy, formation of stars and planetary systems, radio interferometry |
Lab |
Professor |
Low temperature physics on strongly correlated electron |
Lab |
Professor |
YOSHIDA Tatsuo |
High energy astrophysics, gamma-ray astronomy |
Professor |
YONEKURA Yoshinori |
Radio Astronomy, Star Formation, Observational Studies using Hitachi and Takahagi 32-m Radio Telescopes |
Associate Professor |
IINUMA Hiromi |
Experimental physics by use pf polarized muon beam |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
KATAGIRI Hideaki |
Gamma-ray astrophysics |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
NAKANO Takehito |
nanostructure physics, magnetism, optical properties, cluster, zeolite |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
Position | Name | One-page summary | Research field | Link |
Professor |
OTOMO Seiu |
Biophysical chemistry on the structure-function relationship of photosynthetic pigment-protein supramolecular complexes |
Lab |
Professor |
OHASHI Akira |
Development of new methods of synthesis, separation, and detection utilizing liquid-liquid interface as reaction field |
Lab |
Professor |
KIM Haeng-Boo |
Space- and time-resolved spectroscopy and electrochemistry. Photochemistry of coordination compounds |
Professor |
SATO Itaru |
Natural product chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry |
Professor |
Nuclear Fusion, Tritium, Environmental Radiation |
Professor |
NISHIKAWA Hiroyuki |
Functional Material Chemistry, Physical Chemistry |
Lab |
Professor |
FUJISAWA Kiyoshi |
Study on structures and spectroscopic properties of transition metal model complexes in biochemistry |
Professor |
MORI Seiji |
Computational chemistry on reaction mechanisms of stereoselective reactions/metal-mediated reactions and biosyntheses of biological active compounds |
Lab |
Professor |
Development and analytical applications of nanoporous materials |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
ABE Hitoshi |
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) experiments to characterize various materials (in particular, low dimensional systems and materials) and development of new methods |
Associate Professor |
KAGOSHIMA Hirotaka |
Development of new synthetic organic reactions using metallic reagents |
Associate Professor |
Synthesis and reactivities of metal complexes containing biological molecules |
Assistant Professor |
YAMAGUCHI Takahide |
Position | Name | One-page summary | Research field | Link |
Professor |
KANOU Kouki |
Ichthyology |
Lab |
Professor |
KITADE Osamu |
Ecology and evolution of termites and symbiotic microorganisms |
Professor |
TAUCHI Hiroshi |
Radiation biology: Mechanism of DNA damage repair |
Lab |
Professor |
The Chromatin Response to DNA Damage and its role in Genome and Cellular Integrity Maintenance |
Lab |
Professor |
NODA Satoko |
Environmental agriculture, Applied microbiology, Biodiversity and systematics |
Lab |
Professor |
YOKOYA Akinari |
Radiation Biophysics: Physicochemical processes of molecular and cellular effects of radiation |
Associate Professor |
OIKAWA Shimpei |
Plant ecophysiologycal ecology: leaf phenology, nitrogen use and carbon balance with emphasis on global change issues |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
SUZUKI Takumi |
Drosophila melanogaster, neural develpment, neural sten cells, insects |
Associate Professor |
The studies on biodiversity and environmental preservation of Lake Kasumigaura |
Associate Professor |
Molecular biology, Insect science |
Associate Professor |
Ecology, taxonomy and phylogeny of social insects |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
葉緑体DNA, 葉緑体核様体, 相同組換え, 細胞内共生 |
Position | Name | One-page summary | Research field | Link |
Professor |
OKADA Makoto |
Paleomagnetism, paleoceanography, studies for reconstruction of paleoenvironmental changes from lake and deep sea sediments |
Professor |
Solid earth physics, seismic wave propagation, and earthquake ground motion |
Professor |
KITA Kazuyuki |
Atmospheric environment, ozone and aerosols, remote sensing of atmospheric trace gases |
Professor |
Geography, Geology, Natural disaster/Disaster prevention science, Geography, Geography, Environmental impact assessment |
Professor |
NOZAWA Satoshi |
Solar physics, MHD simulation and astrophysics |
Professor |
Isotope Volatile Water Organics Moon Planet Meteorite Early-Earth Life Atmosphere |
Associate Professor |
HASEGAWA Takeshi |
Volcanic geology, Igneous petrology |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
FUJIYA Wataru |
Meteorites, Solar system, Isotopes, Mass spectrometry |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
YAMADA Takuji |
Seismology, Volcanology, Seafloor Geodesy, Kilauea volcano, Self-similarity of earthquakes, Stress drop, Rupture speed |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
WAKAZUKI Yasutaka |
Meteorology/Physical oceanography/Hydrology, Natural disaster/Disaster prevention science |
Lecturer |
Sedimentology, Coastal morphodynamics |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
Geology, Structural geology and Tectonics |
Position | Name | One-page summary | Research field | Link |
Professor |
INAGAKI Terumi |
Thermal Engineering,Infrared Engineering,Fluid Engineering,Environmental Engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
INUI Masatomo |
Fast and precise algorithms for geometric processing, and their applications for automating machine production |
Professor |
ONUKI Teppei |
Applied optics in manufacturing, Micro system engineering, Nano-materials |
Lab |
Professor |
KURAMOTO Shigeru |
Design of engineering materials |
Professor |
SAKAI Yasuyuki |
Thermal engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
Micro/Nano Tribology, Ultra-precision Machining |
Lab |
Professor |
SUZUKI Tomoya |
Complex System, Data Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Physics, Information Engineering, Financial Engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
TANAKA Kotaro |
Thermal engineering, Combustion chemistry, Laser spectroscopy |
Lab |
Professor |
TANAKA Nobuatsu |
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Environmental and Nuclear Engineering, Parallel Processing |
Lab |
Professor |
TSUBOI Kazuhiro |
Simulation, Applied Mathematics, Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Lab |
Professor |
NAKAMURA Masashi |
Environmental harmony design, Strength reliability of high polymer materials |
Lab |
Professor |
NAGAYAMA Kazuaki |
Cell Biomechanics, Micro-Nano Manipulation, Mechanobiology, |
Lab |
Professor |
NISHI Yasuyuki |
Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machinery |
Lab |
Professor |
FUKUOKA Yasuhiro |
Robot Engineering, Dynamic Robot |
Lab |
Professor |
Bio-mechatronics, Magnetically suspended artificial heart, Magnetically levitated motor, Medical engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
Vehicle Engineering, Control Engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
MORI Yoshikazu |
Welfare Robotics, KANSEI Robotics, Mechatronics |
Lab |
Professor |
YOH ShiKoh |
Adaptive and Robust Control for Uncertain Systems, Modelling and Identification for Control Systems, and System Control Engineering Related Signal Processing , Soft Computing etc. |
Lab |
Contract Professor |
ITOH Nobuhide |
Abrasive Machining |
Professor Emeritus |
ITOH Goroh |
Basics and Applications of Plastic Forming, Heat Treatment |
Associate Professor |
UMEZU Nobuyuki |
Computer Graphics, Image Database |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
OSA Masahiro |
Machine Mechanics/Control |
Associate Professor |
OJIMA Hirotaka |
Machine Mechanics/Control |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
OZEKI Kazuhide |
Bio-materials, Thin-film formation, Inorganic materials |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
Engineering Materials, Structural and Functional materials |
Associate Professor |
Engineering Materials, Heat Treatment |
Associate Professor |
SHIMIZU Toshimi |
Vibration Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, Robotics |
Associate Professor |
Mobile Robotics, Teleoperation, Computer Vision |
Associate Professor |
TAKEDA Koujin |
Theory of statistical physics, Random system in physics, Information theory |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
MATSUMURA Kunihito |
Thermal Engineering |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
YAMASAKI Kazuhiko |
Material Processing/Treatment, Production Engineering/Processing Studies |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
LI Yanrong |
Thermal and Fluid Engineering |
Lecturer |
INOUE Kousuke |
Intelligent Mechanics and Machine System, Intelligent Informatics, Computer Science, System Engineering |
Lab |
Lecturer |
IWASAKI Yuishi |
Mathematical Bioscience, Biophysics, Nonlinear Science |
Lab |
Lecturer |
KANO Toru |
Measurement engineering, Image processing engineering |
Lab |
Lecturer |
Dynamics/Control, Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems |
Lab |
Lecturer |
KONDO Hisashi |
Computer Science, Information Engineering, Intelligent Informatics |
Lab |
Lecturer |
SAKAIDA Satoshi |
Thermal and Fluid Engineering,Fuel Cell |
Lecturer |
System Engineering |
Lecturer |
MORI Kotaro |
Electromagneto-solid Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Material Testing, Electronic Laminates, Bending, Smart Materials and Structures, Energy Harvesting |
Lab |
Lecturer |
Computational Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Finite Element Method |
Assistant Professor |
UESUGI Kaoru |
Measurement for mechanical properties of cells and three-dimensional tissues / Development of living-cell used wireless micro force sensor / Clarification of functions of micro-scale structure existed on surface of living things |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
CHENG Zhang |
Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robot, Deep Reinforcement Learning |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
YAGI Keisuke |
Human joint impedance, Joint mechanism, Digital Control |
Lab |
Position | Name | One-page summary | Research field | Link |
Professor |
AONO Tomosuke |
Condensed Matter Theory, Nano Science |
Professor |
IWAJI Yoshitaka |
Control and system engineering |
Professor |
UDONO Haruhiko |
Science and Engineering of Semiconducting Silicides, Energy Conversion and Optoelectronic Devices |
Lab |
Professor |
Superconducting Electronics, Microwave devices |
Lab |
Professor |
SODA Naoya |
Numerical electromagnetic field analysis, Nonlinear magnetic properties |
Lab |
Professor |
TAKEDA Shigeki |
Wireless communication system, Antenna system |
Lab |
Professor |
Optical Communication |
Professor |
MIYAJIMA Teruyuki |
Signal Processing for Communications |
Lab |
Professor |
Pulsed Power Engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
YOKOTA Hirohisa |
Optoelectronics, Fiber-optic communication system |
Professor |
WADA Tatsuaki |
Generalized thermostatistics, Mathematical engineering |
Associate Professor |
YI Li |
Electromagnetic sensing technology, terahertz wave system |
Associate Professor |
UNO Katsuhiro |
Fundamental optics, Optical instrumentation and measurement, Information optics |
Associate Professor |
UNO Masatoshi |
Power Electronics |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
WANG Xiaoyan |
Wireless communication, mobile networking, machine learning |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
KIMURA Takayuki |
Imaging Devices, Integrated Circuits |
Associate Professor |
KOMINE Takashi |
Functional materials and electronic device engineering |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
SATO Naoyuki |
Plasma Science and Engineering |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
TANAKA Tadashi |
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Lithium-ion Secondary Battery,Photovoltaic System |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
Laser Engineering, Ultrafast Optics, Nonlinear Fiber Optics |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
MIYAJIMA Keiichi |
Formalized Mathematics |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
YANAI Hirofumi |
Human informatics, Mathematical brain science |
Lab |
Lecturer |
UCHIDA Kosuke |
Lecturer |
KATO Masayuki |
Control Method for Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Electromagnetic Oscillatory Actuator |
Lab |
Lecturer |
SUN Ran |
Optical Wireless Communication |
Lab |
Lecturer |
Analog/digital signal processing |
Lab |
Lecturer |
DESAKI Yoshihisa |
Computer engineering |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
energy-harvesting, local structure analysis, electrochemistry |
Assistant Professor |
SAKANE Shunya |
Thermoelectric, Nanostructure, Thin film, Plasmon |
Lab |
Position | Name | One-page summary | Research field | Link |
Professor |
IKEDA Teruyuki |
Thermoelectric materials, porous metals, nonequilibrium processing, combinatorial methods, atomic diffusion, phase diagram, phase transformation, solidification |
Lab |
Professor |
IWASE Kenji |
Structural/Functional Materials |
Professor |
IWAMOTO Chihiro |
Transmission Electron Microscopy, Nanoanalysis, Welding, Interface Engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
UNNO Masaki |
Chemistry Related to Living Body, Structural Biochemistry |
Lab |
Professor |
Battery and Energy Chemistry |
Lab |
Professor |
KITANO Takashi |
Phylogenetic and polymorphic analyses of nucleotide sequence data |
Lab |
Professor |
KIMURA Shigenobu |
Structure and function of electrotransfer proteins |
Professor |
Development of methods for preparing functional materials by liquid phase reaction |
Professor |
SASAJIMA Yasushi |
Computer experiments on materials, Science and technology of thin solid films |
Lab |
Professor |
SATO Shigeo |
Quantum-beam material science, metallography |
Lab |
Professor |
SUZUKI Tetsuya |
Plastic Deformation of Crystals, Texture |
Professor |
TANAKA Ichiro |
Neutron structural biology and development of neutron diffractometer and methods of crystal growth |
Lab |
Professor |
Metallic Physical Properties, Inorganic Material/Physical Properties |
Lab |
Professor |
pai-conjugated polymer, polyaromatic hydrocarbon, Fluoropolymer |
Lab |
Professor |
YAMAUCHI Satoshi |
Semiconductor Devices and Multifunctional Integration |
Associate Professor |
SHOMURA Yasuhito |
Structural biochemistry, Functional biological chemistry, Biophysics |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
TASHIRO Suguru |
摩擦撹拌接合, 異種金属間接合, LSI用Cu配線, Alワイヤボンディング, たたら製鉄 |
Associate Professor |
Low Temperature Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Functional Ceramics |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
NISHINO Souichiro |
Mechanics of materials and materials, Manufacturing and production engineering, Material processing and microstructure control, Composite materials and interfaces, Quantum beam science |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
Composite materials/Surface and interface engineering, Nanomaterials engineering, Reaction engineering/Process system, Organic and hybrid materials, Polymer/Textile materials |
Lab |
Lecturer |
NAGANO Takatoshi |
Plastic working Simulation using Particle Method, Ab initio Calculation |
Lecturer |
HOSOYA Takaaki |
Crystal chemistry, Solid-state organic chemistry, Neutron diffraction |
Lecturer |
YOKOTA Hitoshi |
Surface Physics |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
KURAMOCHI Masahiro |
結晶構造ダイナミクス, Antifreeze Protein, 放射光, X線, 1分子計測 |
Assistant Professor |
Photochemistry, Inorganic chemistry |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
MORITA Masato |
Organofluorine Chemistry |
Lab |
Position | Name | One-page summary | Research field | Link |
Professor |
UEDA Yoshikazu |
Software Engineering, Project Management |
Lab |
Professor |
OHTAKI Yasuhiro |
Computer System Network, Fundamental Informatics |
Lab |
Professor |
KAMADA Masaru |
Information and Communication Engineering, Mechanics and Control Engineering, Intelligent Informatics |
Lab |
Professor |
SASAI Kazuto |
Complex Systems, Human-Agent Collaboration, Heterarchy, Self-reference, Frame problem |
Professor |
SHINNOU Hiroyuki |
Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Statistics |
Lab |
Professor |
TONOOKA Hideyuki |
Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Spatial Information System |
Lab |
Professor |
HABUCHI Hiromasa |
Information and Communication Engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
Fundamental Informatics |
Professor |
Cryptographic Protocols, Formal Methods |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
KOZAWA Yusuke |
Digital communications, wireless communication systems, and optical wireless communication systems |
Associate Professor |
SASAKI Minoru |
Intelligent Informatics |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
NOGUCHI Hiroshi |
Database |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
YAMADA Takayuki |
Adaptive Learning System |
Lecturer |
OKADA Shin-ichirou |
Lecturer |
SHIBATA Takeshi |
Archiving and learning support system for folk performing arts / Development of VR-based educational tools for active learning |
Lecturer |
Software Engineering, Interaction in Distributed Systems |
Lecturer |
Cellular Manufacturing System, Manufacturing System, Human Factor, Management Engineering, Operations Research |
Lab |
Lecturer |
HORITA Hiroki |
Software Engineering, Business Process Management |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
ONO Hiroshi |
Fundamental Engineering |
Assistant Professor |
SATO Yuki |
Cognitive Science |
Assistant Professor |
SHINAGAWA Kazumasa |
Cryptography, Secure Computation, Card-based Cryptography, Private Simultaneous Messages, 有限群の分解 |
Assistant Professor |
耐量子計算機暗号, 連立代数方程式求解問題, 多変数多項式暗号 |
Assistant Professor |
統計物理学, 複雑ネットワーク, 相転移・臨界現象 |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
tau-tilting theory, 表現論, Auslander-Reiten theory, Representation theory of orders, Representation theory of algebras |
Position | Name | One-page summary | Research field | Link |
Professor |
ENDO Katsuhiko |
Professor |
KUMAZAWA Takayuki |
Landscape and Urban design, Architecture and city planning |
Lab |
Professor |
Image processing and analysis of satellite data Environmental surveying, Generation of national land information using GIS |
Lab |
Professor |
Soil Foundations Engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Geotechnical engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
NOBUOKA Hisamichi |
Prevention of coastal disasters, Integrated coastal zone management, Impact assessment of Storm surge disaster in climate change |
Lab |
Professor |
HARADA Takao |
Maintenance management engineering, Information processing system for civil engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
HIRATA Terumitsu |
Transportation Systems Engineering, Transport Policy, Air Transportation Systems and Airport Planning |
Lab |
Professor |
FUJITA Masafumi |
Water and Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Treatment Engineering |
Lab |
Professor |
YOKOKI Hiromune |
Global and Coastal Environment Engineering: Investigation of physical environments on coastal zone, Adaptation options to climate change |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
KUNO Yasuhiro |
Architectural Design, Spatial Composition of Architecture and Urban Space |
Associate Professor |
Computational Mechanics and Applied Mechanics. Development of numerical evaluation methods for quasi-brittle materials and structures |
Lab |
Associate Professor |
Architectural Environmental Engineering, Architectural Acoustics, Environmental |
Associate Professor |
HIDA Takenori |
Structural Health Monitoring, Human Behavior during Earthquake, Resilience, Disaster Prevention, Artificial Intelligence |
Lecturer |
INAMOCHI Ryuichi |
Architectural Design and Theory, Urban Landscape |
Lecturer |
Coastal physical oceanography, Turbulent mixing, nonlinear internal waves, Numerical simulations of ocean physics |
Assistant Professor |
Architectural design, urban design, local branding, participatory design and management |
Assistant Professor |
UNO Haruka |
Traffic planning, Traffic safety, Regional transportation |
Assistant Professor |
OHMURA Takahiro |
Architectural Design, Architectural Theory, Architectural Planning, Building Construction, Geometry and Graphics |
Lab |
Assistant Professor |
YOSHIDA Yukiko |
Comfort, Smart City, Optimization, BEMS, HVAC |
Lab |